ESO christmas magic - community supports homeless with charity
The community of MMORPGs ELDER SCROLLS online is considered very friendly and helpful. This year, some Streamer at Christmastime have put a charity event on the legs, which should take people under their arms, whom it does not work so well.
Which charity event is, and when is it? The current charity event runs under the name ESO Christmas magic. Officially started it on Friday at 2 pm and runs until the night from coming Sunday to Monday.
What are donations collected for? Table Germany e. V. and Berlin homeless help e. V.
The thought of happy together at Christmastime
Why did we choose this donation goal? Especially in the Christmastime, many people feel alone and lonely, though this special time in the year should actually cause exactly the opposite. In the cities you often see people who are hectic and loaded with just purchased gifts through the area.
In front of the shops often sit people, whom it financially does not go so well, without roof over the head. This is a crass and very sad contrast and does not fit for the presentation of a contemplative Christmas season. We want to counteract this sad fact.
We want to get closer to the idea of community by bringing together the most diverse people through this donation project. Furthermore, we hope with the help for homeless people at the blackboard Germany
e. V. and the Berlin homeless help e. V. approach our goal a step.
Maybe we bring all the people a better Christmas season. Especially those who have it particularly difficult, especially in view of the pandemic as an additional burden.
During the event, some streamer has appointed streaming. You will also get free Twitch Drops in the participating streams. Which streamer are all about, you will learn in the following list:
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In addition, the event is hardly supported by Bethesda with Giveaways.
Here is a time timetable of the different streamer:
If you want to contribute a donation yourself, then you can use the following link from Better place. There all donations are collected and handed over to the blackboard and the Berlin homeless help after the event. We look forward to every little donation!
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