Buy graphics cards: Current offers for GeForce and Radeon Status 17.12.2021

Current graphics card buying tips

Since the fall of 2020, the prices for new graphics cards have risen further — so it has been expensive for months and also expensive to look for a new body for his PC. Even when buying a new PC, the graphics card drives the price high. Currently, about twice the doubles is due, which was still available in the fall of 2020 or the release of the graphics card (many came to the market until Winter 2021). Nevertheless, we have tried to select some offers from our partner shops, which are still relatively cheap in view of the current price range. Please note that the prices can also vary very quickly — our selected models can soon have other prices than those we specify here according to the current state (17 December 2021, 16 o'clock) — as well as the availability can change.

Here are our selection of available graphics cards, where we call only a few graphics card series and especially AMD models, as most NVIDIA graphics cards as well as some of AMD in relation to performance are far too expensive as well as heavily available:

AMD Radon RX 6600 and 6660 AT: Gigabyte Radon RX 6600 Eagle 8g, at Alternate for just under 550 euros at Alternate and Saturn. Sapphire Pulse Radon RX 6600 at Cyberpunk for 579 euros and at Case king for 573.75 euros

24/7 In-Stock GPU Alerts RTX 2060-12G/3060/3070/3080/3080/3090 RX 6600/6700/6800/6900 & 12900k SFX Radon RX 6600 AT QICKC308 Black Gaming, at Alternate for 674 Euro

AMD Radon RX 6700 AT Asus Radon RX 6700 AT Dual, for 899 euros at Saturn and Media Market Sapphire Pulse Radon Ex 6700 AT OC at Case king for 947.67 euros SFX AMD Radon RX 6700 AT Speedster Pick 319 Black Gaming, at Alternate for 949 Euro Gigabyte AMD Radon RX 6700 AT Gaming OC 12G, at Alternate for 949 Euro Sapphire Nitro + Radon RX 6700 AT, at Alternate for 989 Euro

AMD Radon RX 6800 AT and 6900 AT Sapphire Pulse Radon RX 6800 AT, at Case king for 1411.36 euros Gigabyte Radon RX 6900 AT Gaming OC 16G, for 1589 euros at Saturn and Media Market

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti: Asus Dual GeForce RTX 3060 Ti V2 Mini OC, at Case king for 863.90 Euro FAR GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 1-Click OC 8 GB, at Media Market for 889 Euro Total GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Amp White Edition, at Cyberpunk for 929 Euro

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 and 3080: Plait GeForce RF TX 3070 Jetstream V1, at Alternate 989 Euro FAR GeForce RTX 3070 EX 1-Click OC 8 GB, at Saturn for 1039 Euro FAR GeForce RTX 3080 SG, at Saturn for 1499 euros

At Amazon, you will also find some graphics cards that are comparatively inexpensive, but usually then over the Marketplace, so by dealers who sell through Amazon and send themselves.

From Antonio Funds author 17.12.2021 at 15:58


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