The 3 best (and 3 worst) things about Call of Duty: Warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone was launched last week and immediately made a sensation on the Royal Battle genre. Warzone takes place on a massive card called Verdansk, which has a variety of recognizable locations of Call of Duty scattered about it. Millions of PC players, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One made the jump in this battle, and the number of players seems to increase daily. At the time of writing these lines, Warzone offers two distinct modes: Royal Battle and plunder. For the purposes of this room, we will focus only on the Warzones Battle Royal mode. In Warzone, you will be placed in three teams - and as for other royal battle games, the goal is simple, be the last team in the running. Let s see the best three and three worst things from Call of Duty: Warzone.

1) It s free

The State of Call of Duty: Warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone is 100% free for everyone on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The only warning is that Xbox One players must have an Active Xbox Live Gold subscription - but I guess if you play other online games, you are already subscribed. And as it is free to play, you are free to get you and discover by yourself if it tickles your fantasy of royal battle or if you prefer to stay with the Blackout Legends, Fortnite or Black Ops 4 mode. My opinion, considering the price, it s worth playing.

2) Stay alive

In my opinion, one of the biggest trouble regarding the Royal Battle Games is the unique game style. In most royal battle games, once you are dead, you are dead - although there are some exceptions to this rule. In Call of Duty: Warzone, death is not the end. In fact, you have two resurrection opportunities during a match - one of which is under your control, the other is at the mercy of your teammates. The first time you die in Warzone, you will be imprisoned and sent to the goulag with other players who have known the same fate. From there, you will face a Gunfight style match against another deceased player - the winner will have another chance to join the Warzone. It s not easy, but it gives you a little control over the situation. If you fail in the goulag or if you will die a second time in Warzone, you will be at the mercy of your comrades. For a large sum of money, your teammates can redeem you in the game in one of the stores scattered on the battlefield. If they prefer to spend their hard-earned money to kill sequences or other advantages, whether it s so - but I imagine most of them would be a pair of extra hands on the battlefield is certainly the best. option. It should be noted that at one point of the match, the goulag will be closed and the resurrections will no longer be possible. So it s ideal for those of us who die early.

3) Contracts

If you are like me, you will not gather as many victims in a royal battle game. That does not mean that I can not stay on, but I m not as hard to cook as some of the most dedicated players. This generally leads some games to feel a little bit of action. Basically, I m content to browse the map, recover weapons and hope not to be spotted. Enter the contracts. Randomly located on the map, you will find a variety of different contracts that you can start and provide mini-missions to complete. The conclusion of contracts will make you earn awards such as money, which is practical to buy dead teammates. The contracts exist in a number of varieties, such as the location of special crates, maintaining a specific area (a bit like claiming a flag in domination) or the hunt for a specific player. For me, the contracts give me something about what to concentrate while trying to avoid dying, making the games much less boring.

See page 2 for the three worst things about Call of Duty: Warzone


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