Overwatch: Jesse McCREES New name is fixed, renaming is soon

Besides WOW, developers at Blizzard take some changes in Blizzard in connection with the company-internal sexism scandal in OverVATCH. The Overwatch Character Jesse McCree named after a former Blizzard-Employee receives a new name. Meanwhile, it is also clear how the hero will be called in the future and when the name change comes into play.

Jesse McCree becomes Cole Cassidy

The developers announced the new names on Twitter. According to that, Jesse McCree will listen to the name Cole Cassidy from October 26, 2021. The team writes in an official BluePost, which should certainly also play a bit far to the past events at Blizzard: The first thing a vagabond loses is his name, and this one has given up one of his long time ago. The leaving run in front of his past also meant a way out of himself, and every further year only increased the abyss between the one who He was and the one he has become. But in the life of every cowboy comes the time when he stops and face it.

To make this new Overwatch (Buy Now 57.99 €) Besser - to properly put things - he had to be honest with himself and his team. The cowboy he was ridden in the sunset, and Cole Cassidy has placed the world at sunrise.

Cole Cassidy - a matching name for a western hero, or what do you mean? Do you like the new name? Or would you have wanted something else? Write us your opinion in the comments!

Source: Wowhead

Overwatch’s cowboy hero is now named Cole Cassidy Recommended editorial ingredient This item can be found external content from [platform]. To protect your personal data, external connectors are displayed only if you confirm this by clicking on Loading all external content : load all external content I agree that external content is displayed. This transmits personal data to third-platforms. Read more about our privacy policy.

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