Sega changed an aspect of king in Eva

Although more than 25 years have passed since the premiere of the original anime of _ Neon Genesis Evangelion _, currently more unpublished details of this production are still emerging. In this way, it was recently revealed that, originally, the eyes of Rei Ayanami were not red, and It seems that this decision was taken by Sega, creators of Sonic The Hedgehog .

Not long ago, the user known as Ashizuka16bit on Twitter, who says to work in Sega, commented that it was this company who suggested that Rei's eyes were red **, this to differentiate the character. At the time, this company was in charge of the development and publication of the games of evangelion, so Gainax is possible took some of his comments and implemented him in the anime.

明日 から エヴァ エヴァ ゲリオ です ね ね テレビ テレビ 新 世紀 エヴァ エヴァ ゲリオ ゲリオ の スポ スポ サ ー は セガ エ エ タ ー プライゼス プライゼス 正直 セガ が スポ スポ サ サ じゃなかっ たら 見 よう は 思わ 思わ た た 綾波レイ の 目 が 赤い の は セガ 側 の リクエスト な の は 有名 な な 話滲ませ たかっ た 訳じゃない です よ サタ ー ン だ し). セガ は 26 年早かっ た ????

  • あしづかもり を (@ ashizuka16bit) March 7, 2021

Although this seems difficult to prove today, an interview that was done to Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, one of the founders of Gainax, in the second volume of the _Evangelion manga, _ offers a support for the comments of ashizuka16bit . This was what Sadamoto commented on this:

There were two things that influenced the decision to redress their eyes: one is the fact that it did not have enough outstanding features, and the second is that from a commercial point of view, the creators of the Eva game wanted me to be differentiated from The other characters .

In several sketches and promotional material of your time, you can see Rei with blue or black eyes , something that although it does not look bad, if it makes the design become more common and lose the meaning HISCOME THIS CHARACTER. At the end of the day, the decision to change this aspect was correct.

On related topics, the author of evangelion talks about the possibilities of a spin-off. Similarly, evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 is already the most seen on Amazon Prime Video.

Via: Ashizuka16bit


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