LOTR: Arwen lost his immortality?

What was happening with Arwen in Return of the King? Why was the fate of him linked to the ring and are the elves really capable of choosing a deadly life?

In The Lord of the Rings , Arwen (an elven maid) and Aragorn (a human man who was one of the Dunedain, a descendant of the Numbers), were in love. Although the Dúnedain were blessed with a long life and a slow aging, they were still fatal. On the other hand, the elves are immortal beings that never succumb to old age. They can even recover from wounds that would be fatal for man. Although they can die in battle, all the spirits of the elves go to the control halls when they die.

Ring of Elysium Stalking Thru the Ash Storm In the books, Arwen has a stone called Elfstone, which was a green gem on an eagle-shaped brooch that had sunlight inside. Looking through the gem would make the viewer see everything that was now old as a young and new again. But in the films, this stone was replaced by Evenstar (which was not in the books, except as a nickname for Arwen) to show how Arwen was one of the last elves he lived in the middle earth, and ...


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