How to become a lawyer in BitLife

There are few professions ridicked by the public more than lawyers. You can not live with them, and you can not live without them, but one thing is certain: arrive at this position requires a lot of work and determination. Depending on your area of ​​expertise in real life, you want to make a lot of money for your hard work. However, there is a lot of natural talent that comes with being a servant of justice.

BitLife is no different. If you want to become a lawyer, you have to put the work in place, and that from the kindergarten until you get your degree from the Faculty of Law. Of course, you may drag from time to time, but if you can maintain the high standards required, your character can become a lawyer and gain some of the highest wages of the game for honest work.

So, how can you get there? First of all, you will need to make sure that the character given to you has a good start in the Smarts attribute. If you start a character who has more than 60% intelligence, you will have a solid enough base to succeed throughout.

As you develop your character, always make sure he has the best possible notes. If you do not know how to proceed, go to the School menu on the left side of the main hub, then on the tab of your school, usually at the top of your page. From here, the down option is to study harder, which should stimulate your notes, although it can also increase your stress level, which you can see on the Calendar page on the School / Profession tab .

Continue throughout the school years, doing all the extracurricular activities that you think will help the well-being of your character. Once you have obtained your high school diploma, if you have got the best notes, you may have the opportunity to go to university. If you do not get this option, you may need to go through Community College first.

The subject of study you are looking for at the University is Political Science. This is the study tree that leads to a right career. One of the three funding options can be attempted without repercussions, although most typical games require a student loan that is available most often, so ask your parents or search for a scholarship worthwhile to try first.

Continue to maximize your notes while maintaining a good mental state. Once you have obtained your university degree, if you continue to excel in your notes, you can search for higher education, and from there you have to choose Law School, represented by the scales icon. Once again, choose a financing option. If you have kept good grades, there is more chances to receive a scholarship for the Faculty of Law.

Again, maintain the best grades and you can then get your degree in law. From here you can search for a law based job in the Occupancy menu jobs section. As a rule, you would start as a forensic, but you can also apply as a Junior Associate. After passing the interview, you made a career in law and the success of the career should appear the first time you reach the Junior Associate level.

From there, it's up to you to see how much you want to improve your position. Once you have reached the Partner level, you have reached the top of the profession of lawyer in bitlife.


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