Digital Showcase 2021: Xbox Gamescom Stream launches tomorrow

Neverwinter: April Fowls Official Clucking Trailer

The official Xbox Gamescom 2021 Xbox Stream takes place on 24th August at 19:00 pm of German time and is moderated by Parris Lilly and Kate Yeager. The stream will take about 90 minutes and maintain numerous news for you. Following the Xbox Gamescom 2021 Stream then Playground Games switches with Forza Horizon 5 and a new episode of Let's ¡Go! a. Further information we have already presented you here. On the 25th of August at 19:30 clock then starts the Gamescom: Opening Night live with a half-hour pre-show. The main show runs from 20:00 to 22:00 and should provide for furore with over 30 games.


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